Friday, June 26, 2015

Louisville Traffic Update, Disabled Vehicle-Occupied. Right Shoulder Blocked. :

52885 : East I-64 at Mile Marker 4.8 in Louisville in Jefferson county. Ramp to I-65 South. Disabled Vehicle-Occupied. Right Shoulder Blocked. : June 26, 2015 at 01:02PM TRIMARC Incident and Construction Feed

Louisville Traffic Update, Disabled Vehicle-Occupied. Right Shoulder Blocked. :

52884 : East I-64 at Mile Marker 4.8 in Louisville in Jefferson county. Ramp to I-65 South. Disabled Vehicle-Occupied. Right Shoulder Blocked. : June 26, 2015 at 12:32PM TRIMARC Incident and Construction Feed

Louisville Traffic Update, Disabled Vehicle-Occupied. Right Shoulder Blocked. : May be viewed on TRIMARC camera 29.

52873 : East I-64 at Mile Marker 4.8 in Louisville in Jefferson county. Ramp to I-65 South. Disabled Vehicle-Occupied. Right Shoulder Blocked. : May be viewed on TRIMARC camera 29. June 26, 2015 at 10:24AM TRIMARC Incident and Construction Feed

Louisville Traffic Update, Roadway Debris. :

52872 : East I-64 at Mile Marker 4.8 in Louisville in Jefferson county. Ramp to I-65 South. Roadway Debris. : June 26, 2015 at 09:52AM TRIMARC Incident and Construction Feed

Louisville Traffic Update, Disabled Vehicle-Occupied. Right Ramp Blocked. : May be viewed on TRIMARC camera 37.

52870 : East I-64 at Mile Marker 4.8 in Louisville in Jefferson county. Ramp to I-65 South. Disabled Vehicle-Occupied. Right Ramp Blocked. : May be viewed on TRIMARC camera 37. June 26, 2015 at 09:19AM TRIMARC Incident and Construction Feed