Monday, July 23, 2018

June 28-31, 2018 Bridge Cleaning

Beginning July 28, 2018 WVB will begin cleaning the Lewis and Clark Bridge. On July 28th and 29th, the Westbound Right lane will be closed for this operation from 6 am to 6 pm each day. Beginning July 30, 2018 the Shared Use Path across the bridge will be closed weekdays from 6 am to 6 pm through the month of August. Crews will be cleaning, inspecting and performing maintenance on the bridge. Motorists and path users are reminded to obey work zone signs and to give workers and their equipment plenty of room for safety.

via East End Crossing

Louisville Weather Forecast; July 23, 2018 at 05:00AM

Morning Weather Forecast: Partly Cloudy with a temp of 67F.

Todays forecast calls for 82F and a low of 67F.

UV Index: 0

Humdity: 93

Pollen Count: 0

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