Saturday, March 26, 2016

Louisville Weather Forecast; March 26, 2016 at 05:00AM

Morning Weather Forecast: Fair with a temp of 36F.

Todays forecast calls for 68F and a low of 45F.

UV Index: Not Available

Humdity: 82

Pollen Count: Not Available

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Friday, March 25, 2016

Downtown Crossing: Look Ahead March 25-April 2

Mar. 25, 2016 – The following closures and lane restrictions are expected the rest of this week and next week in connection with construction on the Downtown Crossing. Overnight closures scheduled Friday, March 25 and Saturday, March 26* Ramp from I-64 East to I-71 North Ramp from I-64 East to I-65 South Ramp from I-64 […]

via Ohio Bridges

Downtown Crossing: Look Ahead March 25-April 2. 

Louisville Kentucky'a New East End Bridge via, Downtown Crossing: Look Ahead March 25-April 2. March 25, 2016 at 01:10PM

Pictures of Progress On the Kennedy Bridge

Updated photos of work on the Kennedy: view photos HERE.  Mar. 25, 2016 – Work remains on schedule as crews with Walsh Construction continue to make progress on the deck of the John F. Kennedy Memorial Bridge. A new floor system is being installed, which is expected to add decades of new life to the 52-year old […]

via Ohio Bridges

Downtown Crossing: Pictures of Progress On the Kennedy Bridge

Louisville Kentucky'a New East End Bridge via, Downtown Crossing: Pictures of Progress On the Kennedy Bridge March 25, 2016 at 11:55AM