Friday, June 24, 2016

Downtown Crossing: New Story Avenue Ramp To Open By Early Monday

Louisville Kentucky'a New East End Bridge via, Downtown Crossing: New Story Avenue Ramp To Open By Early Monday June 24, 2016 at 11:57AM

Lane closure today on I-64 East

Crews are repairing a pothole June 24, 2016 – One lane will be closed today along a small section of I-64 East for a pothole repair. One lane of I-64 East is closing from 3rd Street to the I-71 split. The lane is expected to reopen this afternoon, before the start of rush hour. ### […]

via Traffic Updates | Ohio Bridges

Lane Closure Today on I-64 East

Crews are repairing a pothole June 24, 2016 – One lane will be closed today along a small section of I-64 East for a pothole repair. One lane of I-64 East is closing from 3rd Street to the I-71 split. The lane is expected to reopen this afternoon, before the start of rush hour. ### […]

via Traffic Updates | Ohio Bridges

Downtown Crossing: Lane Closure Today On I-64 East

Louisville Kentucky'a New East End Bridge via, Downtown Crossing: Lane Closure Today On I-64 East June 24, 2016 at 10:27AM

Louisville Weather Forecast; June 24, 2016 at 05:00AM

Morning Weather Forecast: Partly Cloudy with a temp of 72F.

Todays forecast calls for 87F and a low of 72F.

UV Index: 0

Humdity: 93

Pollen Count: 4.00

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