Friday, August 14, 2015

Louisville Traffic Update, Disabled Vehicle-Occupied. :

53860 : I-65 North at MM 131.6 Area of Preston Disabled Vehicle-Occupied. : August 14, 2015 at 04:03PM TRIMARC Incident and Construction Feed

Louisville Traffic Update, Roadway Debris. Right Lane Blocked. : May be viewed on TRIMARC camera 3.

53859 : I-65 North at MM 134 Before St. Catherine Roadway Debris. Right Lane Blocked. : May be viewed on TRIMARC camera 3. August 14, 2015 at 02:17PM TRIMARC Incident and Construction Feed

Kentucky: Updated blasting schedule for week of August 17, 2015

August 14, 2015 – Surface blasting is scheduled to occur near the intersection of U.S. 42 and KY 841 during the week of August 17, 2015. Prior to each blast, traffic must be stopped for five to twenty minutes for the safety of the workers and the traveling public. Traffic will be stopped on KY […]

via East End Crossing

East End Crossing: Kentucky, updated blasting schedule for week of August 17

Louisville Kentucky'a New East End Bridge via, East End Crossing: Kentucky, updated blasting schedule for week of August 17 August 14, 2015 at 09:39AM

Louisville Traffic Update, Accident. :

53857 : I-64 East at MM 19 Before I-265 Accident. : August 14, 2015 at 09:41AM TRIMARC Incident and Construction Feed