Friday, June 19, 2015

Downtown Crossing: Look Ahead for June 19 - 27

Louisville Kentucky'a New East End Bridge via, Downtown Crossing: Look Ahead for June 19 - 27 June 19, 2015 at 02:29PM

Louisville Traffic Update, Accident. :

52750 : South I-65 at Mile Marker 135.0 in Louisville in Jefferson county In the area of St Catherine.. Accident. : June 19, 2015 at 01:04PM TRIMARC Incident and Construction Feed

Louisville Traffic Update, Accident. Right Ramp Blocked. :

52749 : South I-65 at Mile Marker 135.0 in Louisville in Jefferson county In the area of St Catherine.. Accident. Right Ramp Blocked. : June 19, 2015 at 12:00PM TRIMARC Incident and Construction Feed

Louisville Traffic Update, Disabled Vehicle-Occupied. :

52748 : South I-65 at Mile Marker 135.0 in Louisville in Jefferson county In the area of St Catherine.. Disabled Vehicle-Occupied. : June 19, 2015 at 11:53AM TRIMARC Incident and Construction Feed

Louisville Traffic Update, Accident. Right Shoulder Blocked. :

52746 : West I-64 at Mile Marker 17.0 in Louisville in Jefferson county. In the vicinity of Watterson Trail. Accident. Right Shoulder Blocked. : June 19, 2015 at 10:06AM TRIMARC Incident and Construction Feed