Monday, March 10, 2014

Louisville Traffic Update, Disabled vehicle on ramp. May be viewed on TRIMAARC camera 64.

42350 : East I-64 in Louisville in Jefferson county. Ramp to 9TH ST.. Disabled vehicle on ramp. May be viewed on TRIMAARC camera 64. March 10, 2014 at 09:34AM TRIMARC Incident and Construction Feed

Louisville Traffic Update, Crash in right lane. May be viewed on TRIMARC camera 63.

42351 : East I-64 at Mile Marker 3.4 in Louisville in Jefferson county . Crash in right lane. May be viewed on TRIMARC camera 63. March 10, 2014 at 09:44AM TRIMARC Incident and Construction Feed

Louisville Traffic Update, Accident reported.

42347 : South I-71 at Mile Marker 9.5 in Louisville in Jefferson county. Before . Accident reported. March 10, 2014 at 08:54AM TRIMARC Incident and Construction Feed

Louisville Traffic Update, Disabled vehicle on right shoulder. May be viewed on TRIMARC camera 37.

42349 : East I-264 at Mile Marker 13.4 in Louisville in Jefferson county . Disabled vehicle on right shoulder. May be viewed on TRIMARC camera 37. March 10, 2014 at 08:59AM TRIMARC Incident and Construction Feed

Louisville Traffic Update, Crash in right lane. May be viewed on TRIMARC camera 18.

42346 : West I-64 at Mile Marker 4.8 in Louisville in Jefferson county . Crash in right lane. May be viewed on TRIMARC camera 18. March 10, 2014 at 08:18AM TRIMARC Incident and Construction Feed